On Tuesday 6 March 2024, a workshop organised by Oviaragón within the framework of the European LIFE GREEN SHEEP project was held in Santa Cilia de Jaca, in which the research team of the Animal Production Department of Neiker-BRTA presented its experience in relation to regenerative grazing.

The workshop was attended by 15 people, both from the technical services of Oviaragón and sheep farmers from different regions of Aragon. In the first part, some concepts related to the importance of a fertile and healthy soil and the impact of management practices were presented. Then, how regenereative grazing should be implemented, key aspects and benefits were explained, as well as the results observed in the flock of Neiker since the beginning of its management with these keys in 2013 on the occasion of the award of the LIFE REGEN FARMING project.

Finally, a visit was made to the irrigated plot managed by the Giménez Aznar family with their flock, where Alejandro and Juan Carlos are going to set up the first regenerative grazing trial with their meat sheep flock, with the help of Neiker and Oviaragón technicians.