Life Green Sheep - life_1

Reduce by 12% the carbon footprint of sheep milk and sheep meat while ensuring farms sustainability

Expected Results:

Life Green Sheep Demonstration Farms

demonstration farms

Life Green Sheep Innovative Farms

innovative farms

Life Green Sheep Emissions Down

Emissions mitigation

Life Green Sheep Advisors


A climate and sustainable roadmap for sheep production, in each country.


Project Timeline

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News & Events

Life Green Sheep at regional EAAP in Clermont-Ferrand, France to speak about environmental services provided by french mountain sheep farming.

Sheep farming and more widely ruminant livestock grazing mountain pastures are providers of many services...

Visit at Iker Sukia’s, breeder and cheese maker in the Basque Country

During the 7th Steering Comittee, the LIFE Green Sheep team had the chance to discover...

In Neiker, innovations on the experimental flock to combine productivity and sustainability  

During the 7th Steering Comittee, the Life Green Sheep team visited the NEIKER experimental farm...

Preliminary results at the European scale

A diversity of systems To date, 90% of the environmental assessments of the demonstrative farms...