Demonstration and dissemination actions to reduce the carbon footprint in European sheep farming
What is a Project Coordinator?
A Project Coordinator is either a researcher, an advisor or a consultant, partner of the consortium who interconnects farmers, producer associations, levy boards, companies, researchers, carbon credits buyers and any other relevant actors of the LIFE Green Sheep Project. He/she has the role to encourage knowledge exchange and transfer between all these actors. He/she is also the link with the European network of Project Coordinators, and is the coordinator of the network of his/her country and participates in the organization of all events and workshops.
Who are the Life Green Sheep Project Coordinators?
5 countries are represented so 5 network facilitators are identified (1 in each country).

Project Coordinators and Partners
Sindy Throude is an agricultural engineer and a specialist in environmental assessment at IDELE, French livestock institute. She contributes to the development and deployment of the CAP’2ER® tool at the national scale. She is responsible for the implementation of environmental and sustainability strategies for the sheep sector through national and European projects (especially the LIFE Green Sheep project).
Regional partners :
Nouvelle-Aquitaine : Association Régionale Ovine Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Chambres d’Agriculture des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, de Haute-Vienne et de la Creuse, CAVEB, ECOOVI, LIMOVIN, CELMAR, TER’ELEVAGE, Centre Départemental de l’Elevage Ovin
Occitanie : La Coopération Agricole Occitanie, Confédération Générale de Roquefort, UNOTEC, ARTERRIS, UNICOR, CAPEL, GEOC, APROVIA, SICA2G, CELIA
PACA : Maison Régionale de l’Elevage PACA, les Chambres d’Agriculture des Alpes de Haute Provence, des Bouches du Rhône et du Vaucluse
AURA : Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Elevage, CELIA, COPAGNO, SICAREV COOP, les Chambres d’Agriculture du Cantal, du Puy de Dôme, de l’Allier et de Haute-Loire
Hauts de France : Alysé, SICAREV COOP, TERRE D’OVINS, et en tant que prestataire la Chambre d’Agriculture de la Marne
Marco Acciaro is a researcher with a degree in Agricultural Science and a PhD on beef feeding management and meat quality at the University of Sassari. Marco currently works at AGRIS Sardegna as a researcher and is the national leader of the LIFE GreenSheep project for Italy. Among his research topics: ruminant nutrition at pasture, grazing behavior of ruminant, meat and milk quality from grazing animal, and cow GPS-based tracking.
Timothy W.J. Keady is research officer at TEAGASC – The irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority · Department of Animal & Grassland. He has spent his career researching and sharing key strategies to improve the efficiency and profitability of sheep, beef and milk production. Dr Keady is focussed on the many factors that influence sheep production and profitable farming, from genotypes, lifetime outputs and grazing to winter feeding strategies, meat quality and shearing strategies.
Tim KEADY,Teagasc tim.keady@teagasc.ie
Roberto Ruiz is researcher at Neiker (Basco institute for agricultural research and development). He works in livestock farming systems analysis within the framework of sytems theory and agroecology to achieve more sustainable local food production and consumption. He started working in the characterisation of the Latxa Basque sheep production system, and the analysis of their impact on the technical and economical productivity, as well as milk quality. Today, the scope of his research is :
i) the environmental and social implications of livestock farming;
ii) the development of decision support systems based on simulation and optimisation modelling.
I have lead R+D+i projects regarding the dairy (sheep and cattle) and meat (beef, pigs and poultry) systems existing in the Basque Country: management of natural and feeding resources, nutrition, reproduction, food quality, welfare…
Spanish partners
Catalin DRAGOMIR is Scientific Director / senior researcher in ruminant nutrition at IBNA, the
National Research & Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, the most important research unit of the Romanian animal science sector. He’s specialized in following subjects : the rumen (both protein and energy metabolism), quality of feeds and of animal products, refining feeding systems, nutritive value, saponins, methane, feed additives, etc.