The 20th of November, was held a european webinar presenting the main results of the project. A round table gave crossed view of the partners on different topics. What are the main incentives/arguments for farmers to engage low carbon transition...
The 20th of November, was held a european webinar presenting the main results of the project. A round table gave crossed view of the partners on different topics. How do the farmers see the climate change issue in your...
“Sheep farming is very important for society, but society is not aware of it: we need to continue making progress in improving productivity and sustainability, and we need to transmit and better value all the benefits it generates”. Roberto...
Two videos were shot this summer in partnership with the press group Reussir to share testimonial of farmers and advisors on the program Life Green Sheep. Meet Laurent Reversat and Benoît Nougadère in Aveyron on a dairy sheep farm...
Fabien Paris is a mixed farming and meat sheep breeder in the Allier region and his daughter, Julie Paris, a technician for the Feder-Elevage group, is following him in the Life Green Sheep program. At home, the CAP’2ER diagnosisLevel...
The Teagasc Sheep Life Cycle Assessment Model (LCA) model is designed for Irish sheep systems, where sheep meat is the primary product outcome. The Sheep LCA model calculates emissions from five animal subcategories: mature ewes, lambs, replacements lambs, hoggets...
In Ireland, the LIFE Green Sheep program is led by Teagasc (the Agriculture and Food Development Authority) which is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture, the food industry and rural communities. The Teagasc...
Marco Acciaro (researcher art AGRIS Sardegna),responsible for the LIFE Green Sheep for Italy, describes in a podcast produced by Qualivita foundation the origin and developments of the project and the involvement of the IPG “Consorzio dell’Agnello di Sardegna.” Click here to...
Jean-Baptiste Dollé has been working for more than 10 years on the climate issue in livestock farming. He initiated the first LIFE programs dedicated to livestock farming and greenhouse gases. He reviews these different projects, their link with Life...
Alberto Stanislao Atzori : “Towards a European harmonized environmental assessment of sheep farming”
Alberto Stanislao Atzori is an associate professor of animal nutrition at the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Sassari and is part of the Italian team for the LIFE GreenSheep project. Alberto has a strong established experience...