Ricardo Miranda, together with his family, manages the farm school “Las Cortas de Blas”; located in Villalba de los Alcores, Valladolid. He has been collaborating with ITACYL for many years on issues related to agriculture and livestock and shares...
The Life Green Sheep project provides farmers with concrete solutions to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Fabien Paris, a mixed crop-livestock farmer in the Allier region, has transformed his farm thanks to this innovative approach. He explains in this...
Maximino Portaña and his son Alejandro have a meat sheep farm with around 700 heads of Rasa Aragonesa sheep, located in the Aragonese Pyrenees near Jaca (Huesca, Spain), and included within the Cooperative OVIARAGON. They manage the natural meadows...
During the 7th Steering Comittee, the Life Green Sheep team visited the NEIKER experimental farm and discovered diverse and innovative practices, including: Regenerative Grazing: Implementation of planned rotational practices to enhance soil health and fertility, grass production and carbon sequestration....
Ireland is nearly 400% self-sufficient in sheep meat production, and more than 80% of sheep meat produced is exported. Sheep farming contributes to economic, environmental and social sustainability in rural areas where land usage options are limited. Globaly sheep...
During the 7th Steering Comittee, the LIFE Green Sheep team had the chance to discover a typical cheese farm from the Basque Country. Iker is a young breeder (22 years-old) and cheese maker, who continues the activity from his...
Vitoria, 17 aprile 2024. In questo terzo anno del progetto, il 7° Comitato direttivo si è svolto in Spagna, nelle strutture del centro di ricerca applicata Neiker, a Vitoria (Paesi Baschi). I partner francesi, irlandesi, rumeni, italiani e...
Una diversità di sistemi Ad oggi, il 90% delle diagnosi ambientali delle fattorie dimostrative è stato realizzato dai diversi paesi partner del progetto. La base di dati comprende 373 aziende lattiero-casearie con la maggior parte dei sistemi di allevamento...
Ahead of the Provinlait Show which took place in Requista on April 24 and 25, the Life GreenSheep project offered a visit to an innovative breeding facility, located nearby, on Tuesday April 23, in partnership with the UNOTEC cooperative...
Il 20 di Novembre 2023 si è svolto un webinar europeo su: Presentazione generale del progetto LIFE Green Sheep Armonizzazione e confronto tra le metodologie e software per le valutazioni delle aziende Primi risultati dalle analisi e dalle azioni...