On the 30th of May 2024, Roberto Ruiz, from NEIKER-BRTA participated in the meeting of the dairy sector working group of the Food For Life Spain Technology Platform (PT4LS) of the Spanish Federation of Food and Drink Industries (FIAB). The meeting had a mixed format, with the participation of a total of 38 people representing 27 centres, companies and institutions, either in person or online.

Among other topics, the platform’s general secretary recalled the modification of some of the Working Group’s lines of interest presented in the 2021-2022 Strategic Agenda, including the ‘Development of measures to mitigate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions’, the ‘Development of processes and products with a reduced ecological or environmental footprint, mainly carbon and water’, and the ‘Development of candidate techniques to become new BAT (Best Available Techniques) in the production of food and beverages’.

In particular, Roberto Ruiz presented the LIFE GREEN SHEEP project, from the objectives, participating teams, methodologies, etc. with special emphasis on the preliminary results obtained for the carbon footprint in the dairy sheep sector in Spain.