In Ireland, the LIFE Green Sheep program is led by Teagasc (the Agriculture and Food Development Authority) which is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture, the food industry and rural communities. The Teagasc...
Direct enteric methane measurements of sheep on 20 French farms (10 dairy and 10 meat farms) have started in these months. The evaluations are done with an innovative non-invasive laser instrument called Laser Methane Detector (LMD). The LMD is based...
The presentation of the LIFE Green Sheep project was held in Rome during the ‘Italia Next DOP’ event. There Dr. Gabriella Serra, from AGRIS Sardegna, was presented with a research award for the LIFE Green Sheep project, which involves...
A training kit was consolidated by our Romanian colleague Catalin Dragomir, the scientific director of the National Institute for Research & Development in Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA). In this PowerPoint, presented: Main climate change and livestock data sets...
The next European steering committee will be in Italy, Sardegna, on March 7th and 8th, 2023. On the first day, the participants will meet to discuss the progress of the main actions of the project, specifically the development of...
In Naples, during “Futuro Remoto 2022 scientific festival” (25-27th November 2022) we had the opportunity to meet the Italian team of the LIFE MiCliFeed project. The MiCliFeed project focuses on assessing the mitigation potential of innovative feeding approaches in small ruminants...
Hugo Tamain is a breeder of Rava sheep, from Noirétable, in the center of France, and is committed to protecting the environment and producing quality meat. He participates in the European program LIFE GREEN SHEEP with his cooperative COOPAGNO....
Two prestigious European projects aimed at developing the sheep sector involve the region of Sardinia: LIFE GreenSheep and TechCare. Both projects, with AGRIS as the Italian coordinator, have the primary objective of improving the performance of sheep farms from...
The french LIFE GREENSHEEP team presented the whole project at the international agricultural fair Sommet de l’Elevage at Clermont-Ferrand, France. Beside a description of all the actions of the project, an advisor Benoît Nougadère and a breeder, Laurent Reversat from...
We are proud to announce that the 1 st European webinar of the Life GreenSheep project, held on the 3 rd of October 2022, was a great success. 91 attendants from all over Europe participated actively and gave very...