The 6th EU steering committee of the project was held from 20 to 22 of June 202 in Bucharest in Romania The programme was dense but rich in exchanges: workshops to consolidate and analyse the results of the demonstrative...
The Life Greensheep Project will organise have a stand at the professionnal expert sheep fair Tech’ Ovin in Bellac next 6 and 7 september and will organize a conference and an international visit at Sommet de l’Elevage from the...
One of the tasks of the project was to propose a common methodology to assess sustainability as a whole: environmental, economic and social aspect Lydia Lanzoni a PhD student from UNITE (University of Teramo), who is collaborating on the...
Il progetto Life Greensheep sta organizzando il suo 5° comitato direttivo in Sardegna. Una grande opportunità per i partner di incontrarsi nella realtà e condividere visite e momenti conviviali. I partner italiani dell’Università di Sassari hanno organizzato un meraviglioso...
Fabien Paris is a mixed farming and meat sheep breeder in the Allier region and his daughter, Julie Paris, a technician for the Feder-Elevage group, is following him in the Life Green Sheep program. At home, the CAP’2ER diagnosisLevel...
The Teagasc Sheep Life Cycle Assessment Model (LCA) model is designed for Irish sheep systems, where sheep meat is the primary product outcome. The Sheep LCA model calculates emissions from five animal subcategories: mature ewes, lambs, replacements lambs, hoggets...
In Ireland, the LIFE Green Sheep program is led by Teagasc (the Agriculture and Food Development Authority) which is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture, the food industry and rural communities. The Teagasc...
In questi mesi sono iniziate le misurazioni dirette del metano enterico degli ovini in 20 allevamenti francesi (10 da latte e 10 da carne). Le valutazioni vengono effettuate con un innovativo strumento laser non invasivo chiamato Laser Methane Detector...
The presentation of the LIFE Green Sheep project was held in Rome during the ‘Italia Next DOP’ event. There Dr. Gabriella Serra, from AGRIS Sardegna, was presented with a research award for the LIFE Green Sheep project, which involves...
Il kit di formazione degli advisors è stato completato dal nostro collega rumeno, Catalin Dragomir , diretto scientifico dell’Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo in Biologa e Nutrizione Animale (IBNA) in romania. Nel PowerPoint sono affrontate le...