The 3rd European webinar of the LIFE Green Sheep project was held on 13 February and was a great success, with over 80 participants from all over Europe (including France, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Estonia and Finland)! The...
Save the date The LIFE GreenSheep team is happy to invite you to the next webinar, the 13/02/2025, from 3 to 4.30 pm for Central European Time (2 to 3.30 in Ireland time). Update on the LIFE GreenSheep project...
Ricardo Miranda and his familiy, manage this dairy flock of around 750 Assaf sheep and 150 has, which also runs as a school farm and usually collaborates with ITACYL – Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León. The management...
Neiker, the Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, has a dairy sheep flock in Arkaute, Spain. There are around 130 adult Latxa sheep plus 45 ewe-lambs and is managed as a commercial flock within the breeding scheme of...
On Friday, 31 October 2024 the annual meeting with the General Assembly of the Consorzio Agnello di Sardegna IGP took place in Sardinia. It is an important and awaited event both by the rural world and by those of...
The Life Green Sheep project provides farmers with concrete solutions to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Fabien Paris, a mixed crop-livestock farmer in the Allier region, has transformed his farm thanks to this innovative approach. He explains in this...
La 23 iulie 2024, într-o fermă comercială a avut loc o zi a porților deschise la nivel național pentru vacile de lapte și oi. Ziua porților deschise a constat în standuri privind producția de carne de vită și de...
Sindy Throude și Lyubov Bragina au prezentat cele mai recente rezultate ale proiectului LIFE Green Sheep la cea de-a 75-a conferință anuală a EAAP (European Federation of Animal Science). Găsiți aici prezentările lor EAAP2024_Session66_THROUDE EAAP_2024_Componenta irlandeză de date a...
Pe 30 mai 2024, Roberto Ruiz, de la NEIKER-BRTA, a participat la reuniunea grupului de lucru din sectorul produselor lactate al Platformei tehnologice Food For Life Spain (PT4LS) a Federației spaniole a industriilor alimentare și a băuturilor (FIAB). Reuniunea...
Cu ocazia celei de-a XXI-a ediții a Pieței Naționale de Ovine, desfășurată la Hotel Puerta de Segovia (Segovia, Spania) în data de 24 mai 2024, Roberto Ruiz, cercetător la NEIKER-BRTA, a participat pentru a vorbi despre sustenabilitatea ovinelor, principalele...