LIFE GREEN SHEEP : for a low carbon and sustainable sheep farming 1st EU Webinar
Programme of this webinar
• Implementing carbon farming in Europe
• Overall presentation of the project LIFE Green Sheep
• Simplified LCA in sheep farming : comparison of carbon footprint estimates from different tools
• Training of 143 “carbon” advisors
• Involvement of 1,637 sheep farms at the European scale
• How to disseminate the results of the project and inform farmers and advisers widely ?
• Carbon farming and result based solutions, an innovative scheme for boosting carbon initiatives and developing sustainable agriculture
• Conclusion
The LIFE GreenSheep project in brief
It gives you an overview of the project : 5 actions and key figures to reach the LIFE GREEN SHEEP objective : reduce by 12% the carbon footprint of sheep milk and sheep meat while ensuring farms’ sustainability. Demonstration and dissemination actions to reduce the carbon footprint in European sheep farming.
An overview on the LIFE GreenSheep project
This document gives the details of the objectives and the actions all along the project as well as the timetable for a low carbon and sustainable sheep farming : develop common European framework on greenhouse gas emissions, carbon storage and sustainability performances, create a national and European dynamic. train advisors and technicians for assessment methods and tools, create an observatory of 1 355 demonstrative farms in Europe involved in a low-carbon and sustainable approach, test low-carbon and sustainable action levers by following 282 innovative low-carbon impact farms in Europe, develop national action plans.
Training kit on sheep farming and sustainability
The training kits includes
- Main climate change and livestock data sets
- Actions of the Life Green Sheep project
- Description of the tools used for farm evaluation
Training kit ANNEX 2 : ARDICARBON
This powerpoint describes in spanish the Ardicarbon evaluation tool
Training kit ANNEX 3 : SheepLCA
This powerpoint describes the SheepLCA evaluation tool
EAPP Scientific Poster
LIFE Green Sheep : finding common methods to estimate environmental impact from sheep farms.
First results of qualitative comparison between the tools and the methodologies among the 5 countries involved in the project, presented at EAAP conference (European Federation of Animal Science).